Road cycling holidays


Road cycling holidays and trips: take a look at all our tours

We’re here to prove that e-bikes and classic bicycles are not the only way to do cycle tourism, offering road cycling holidays that have an absolutely irresistible charm for true cycling enthusiasts.

Road bikes were designed for expert cyclists who want to whiz around on their bikes, creating the perfect mix of an adrenaline-fueled experience and a journey in close contact with your surroundings. But why not combine fun, comfort and relaxation, while discovering some of the most fascinating and least-known corners of Europe, by taking a racing bike break, alternating flat stretches with more dynamic daily challenges?

Put yourself to the test by choosing one of our road cycling holidays, and you too can experience the thrill of speed and the fulfilment of new, small and daily challenges, all while you encounter local traditions and admire mile after mile of picturesque villages and changing landscapes. Freedom, the desire to explore unique places, and achieving new goals: you can experience all this by deciding to take one of our racing bike tours.

Set off on a road cycling holiday, organized by the best tour operators

Can't decide which of the organized racing bike trips to treat yourself to during your next vacation? We have selected for you the destinations most highly recommended by the best racing bike tour operators:

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Cyclando srl

Tour operator with Europe Assistance RC Insurance 4249713 - Registered with the Guarantee Fund with A.I.A.V. Associazione Italiana Agenti di Viaggio trough IL SALVAGENTE s.c. a r.l.. All rights reserved.

VAT ID: 03880320365

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