Let's preserve our planet!

Let's plant trees together for a sustainable future.

Every time you cycle with us you reduce emissions and plant a tree.

Our commitment to the planet

At Cyclando we strongly believe that a sustainable future is essential to the well-being of the planet and all the beings that inhabit it, including us. After all, our platform was created with the intention of making discover to as many people as possible the beauty and importance of using an environmentally friendly means of transport such as the bicycle, even when travelling!

Why reforestation is so important

Over time our commitment has gone further and today the “A Tree for Every Trip” initiative aims to be our contribution to the well-being of the planet. In fact, for every trip sold we allocate a part of the our profit to reforestation, by planting a tree in different areas of the world. In this way, every time you book your holidays with us, you too make a concrete contribution to the fight against climate change, allowing the Cyclando forest to grow more and more more.

Our green community

In addition to the “A Tree for Every Trip” initiative, we are committed to raising awareness and involving our community of cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts on important environmental issues. By sharing information and suggestions we hope to inspire everyone to do their part to protect and preserve our precious planet. If you also want to become part of our community, you can follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter or our Telegram channel, where you can get inspiration or exchange ideas green with other Cyclanders.

Together towards a sustainable future

As Cyclanders, we are proud to be part of a positive change that focuses on respect for the environment and every being that inhabits it. We are also grateful to have you with us on this journey towards a better future. Let's continue to cycle together towards new global well-being destinations: by combining your passion for cycling and traveling you help leave a positive footprint for the benefit of the planet and future generations!

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Cyclando srl

Tour operator with Europe Assistance RC Insurance 4249713 - Registered with the Guarantee Fund with A.I.A.V. Associazione Italiana Agenti di Viaggio trough IL SALVAGENTE s.c. a r.l.. All rights reserved.

VAT ID: 03880320365

© Cyclando 2025 - All rights reserved.


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