General terms and conditions for travel packages

These conditions form an integral part of the travel contract, together with the description of the tourist package contained in the catalogue, or in the separate travel programme, as well as the estimate and booking confirmation of the services requested by the tourist/traveller. tourist package, the tourist/traveler must bear in mind that he confirms that he has read and accepted, for himself and for the subjects for whom he requests the booking of the tourist package, the travel contract made up of the documents specified above.


The sale of tourist packages, which have as their object services to be provided both nationally and internationally, is governed by Legislative Decree no. 79 of 23 May 2011 (the "Tourism Code") - (articles 32-51nonies) - and subsequent amendments, as well as by the European Union Directive 2015/2032 relating to tourist packages and related services, as implemented by Legislative Decree 62/2018, which intervened with amendments to the Tourism Code.


For the purposes of this contract, the following definitions apply: a) organiser: the professional who combines packages and sells them or offers them for sale directly or through or together with another professional; b) seller: the professional other than the organizer who sells or offers for sale combined packages from an organizer; c) traveller: anyone who intends to conclude, stipulate, or is authorized to travel on the basis of a tourist package contract; d) catalogue: information relating to a tourist package – as defined in article 4 below – contained on the website, or in other documents or communications from Cyclando; e) estimate: the document or communication through which Cyclando communicates to the customer, following his request, the price of the chosen tourist package; f) professional: any natural or legal person who, regardless of whether it is a public or private entity, acts within the framework of his commercial, industrial, artisanal or professional activity, including through any other person acting in his name or for your account, as an organiser, seller, trader facilitating related travel arrangements or as a travel service provider.


The notion of tourist package is the following "the combination of at least two different types of tourist services for the purpose of the same trip or the same holiday, such as

(I) the carriage of passengers;

(II) accommodation which is not an integral part of passenger transport and is not intended for residential purposes, or for long-term language courses;

(III) the rental of cars, other motor vehicles pursuant to the ministerial decree of 28 April 2008 or motorcycles which require a category A driving licence, pursuant to legislative decree n.2 of 16 January 2013;

(IV) any other tourist service which is not an integral part of one of the tourist services referred to in numbers 1, 2, 3, and is not a financial or insurance service for the purposes of the same trip or holiday, if there is at least one of the following conditions: a) these services are combined by a single professional, also at the request of the traveler or in accordance with his selection, before a single contract is concluded for all the services; b) these services, even if concluded with separate contracts with individual tourist service providers, are: b.1) purchased at a single point of sale and selected before the traveler agrees to payment; b.2) offered, sold or invoiced at a lump sum or global price; b.3) advertised or sold under the name "package" or similar denomination; b.4) combined after the conclusion of a contract with which the professional allows the traveler to choose from a selection of different types of tourist services, or purchased from different professionals through connected online booking processes where the traveller's name, payment details and e-mail address are sent by the professional with whom the first contract is concluded to one or more professionals and the contract with the latter or these professionals is concluded at the latest 24 hours after the confirmation of the booking of the first tourist service (Article 33, letter c) of the Tourism Code). The traveler has the right to receive a copy of the tourist package sales contract (drafted in accordance with and in the manner set forth in Article 36 of the Tourism Code) and this copy may also be provided to the traveler in digital form. The contract constitutes the right to access the guarantee fund referred to in the following art. 20


In the pre-contractual phase, the information form pursuant to art. 34, paragraph 1, Cod. Tur., prepared according to the models attached to the Cod.Tur.


The booking request must be drawn up on a specific contractual form, electronic if necessary, completed in all its parts and also signed with a digital signature or for completion by the traveller, who will receive a copy. The acceptance of the reservations is considered perfected, with the consequent conclusion of the contract, only when the organizer sends the relative confirmation, also by telematic system, to the traveler or the seller. The information relating to the tourist package not contained in the contractual documents, in the brochures or in other means of written communication, will be provided by the organizer to the traveler - also by e-mail - in regular fulfillment of the obligations envisaged against him in good time before of the start of the trip (art.34 and 36 of the Tourism Code). Special requests on the methods of supply and/or execution of certain services forming part of the tourist package, including the need for assistance at the airport for people with reduced mobility, the request for special meals on board or in the resort must be made during the booking request and be the subject of a specific agreement between the traveler and the organiser.


At the time of booking, a deposit equal to 25% of the total is required; the balance is required 30 days before the departure date or in conjunction with the booking if made in the 30 days prior to departure. Failure to pay the above sums on the established dates constitutes an express termination clause pursuant to art. 1456 code civ. such as to determine, by the organizer, the legal termination of the contract.


The price of the tourist package is determined in the contract, with reference to what is indicated in the estimate, limited to the period of validity indicated therein. Pursuant to art. 39 of the Tourism Code, it may be changed - up or down - up to 20 days prior to departure and only as a result of changes in: • transport costs, depending on the cost of fuel or other energy sources; • duties and taxes on certain types of tourist services included in the package and taxes from third parties not directly involved in the execution of the package, such as, for example, taxes, landing, disembarkation or embarkation fees in ports and airports; • exchange rates applied to the package in question. For these variations, reference will be made to the exchange rate and the above costs in force on the date of publication of the program as indicated in the technical data sheet or on the date indicated in any updates mentioned above. In any case, the price cannot be increased in the 20 days preceding departure and the revision cannot exceed 8% of the price in its original amount. The price is made up of: a) registration fee or practice management fee; b) participation fee: expressed in the catalog or in the quotation of the package provided to the traveller; c) cost of any insurance policies against the risk of cancellation and/or medical expenses or other services requested; d) airport and/or port charges and taxes; e) administrative and practical management costs of the organizer and/or seller. The price of the additional services sold by voucher is inclusive of commissions and administrative and practical management expenses of the organizer and/or seller.


A. Modification of the tourist package

The Organizer reserves the right to unilaterally modify the conditions of the contract, other than the price, where the modification is of little importance. The communication to the traveler is carried out in a clear and precise way through a durable medium, such as e-mail for example. Before departure, the organizer or retailer who needs to significantly modify the main characteristics of the tourist services referred to in article 34, paragraph 1, letter a), or cannot satisfy the specific requests referred to in article 36, paragraph 5, letter a), or proposes to increase the price of the package by more than 8%, immediately notifies the traveler in writing - also by e-mail -, indicating the type of change and the change in price which follows. The traveller, within 2 (two) working days from the communication of the change from the organiser/seller, can accept the proposed change or withdraw from the contract without paying withdrawal costs and request the refund of the sums already paid, which will be refunded without unjustified delay and in any case within fourteen days of withdrawal from the contract. In the absence of express communication within the aforementioned term, the proposal formulated by the organizer is means accepted.

B. Withdrawal of the traveler

In the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances occurring at the place of destination or in its immediate vicinity and which have a substantial impact on the execution of the package or on the transport of passengers to the destination, the traveler has the right to withdraw from the contract, before the start of the package, without paying any return costs, and from full reimbursement of payments made for the package, but is not entitled to additional compensation. Any inability to take advantage of the package by the traveler does not legitimize the withdrawal without penalties, since the traveler can protect himself from the economic risk connected to this case of withdrawal from the contract, with the stipulation of a specific insurance policy. Apart from the hypotheses explicitly indicated in this article, the traveler will have the right to withdraw from the contract at any time before the start of the trip, without prejudice to the obligation to pay the costs/penalties for withdrawal as indicated below - regardless of the payment of the advance pursuant to art. 6–in addition to the individual cost of managing the practice. In the case of pre-established groups, these sums will be agreed from time to time upon signing the contract

C. Cancellation penalties

In the event of withdrawal from the travel contract, the traveler is still required to pay the management fee of the file, equal to € 30 per person.

Counting of days

It is carried out by counting all working days (always excluding Saturdays and holidays). The day of cancellation is excluded, and the day of departure is included. Unless otherwise indicated on the trip page and travel contract, tour cancellation penalties apply under the following conditions:

Pursuant to art. 41, paragraph 2, Cod. Tur., the following penalties are agreed for withdrawal for bicycle tours:

  • up to 30 days. before the start of the trip: 20% of the total amount
  • from 29 to 21 days. before the start of the trip: 25% of the total amount
  • from 20 to 14 days. before the start of the trip: 50% of the total amount
  • from 13 to 6 days. before the start of the trip: 80% of the total amount
  • in the 5 days. before the start of the trip: 100%.

Withdrawal for bicycle and boat tours:

  • up to 90 days. before the start of the trip: 20% of the total amount
  • from 89 to 60 days. before the start of the trip: 40% of the total amount
  • from 59 to 30 days. before the start of the trip: 60% of the total amount
  • from 29 to 7 days. before the start of the trip: 85% of the total amount
  • in the 6 days. before the start of the trip: 100%.

The same sums must also be paid by those who cannot make the trip due to lack or irregularity of the required personal expatriation documents. In the event the traveler does not show up at the booked facility/boat, or decides to interrupt the trip or stay already undertaken, no refund can be granted.

The validity of the travel cancellation communication is subject to the adoption of the written form.

In packages with flight or train journey included: if the air/railway ticket has already been issued, the penalty must be calculated on the amount of the holiday by deducting the cost of the ticket, which will be charged in full.

D. Cancellation by the organizer

The organizer may withdraw from the tourist package contract and offer the traveler a full refund of the payments made for the package, but is not required to pay additional compensation if: (I) the number of people registered for the package is less than the minimum required by the contract and the organizer communicates the withdrawal from the contract to the traveler within the deadline set in the contract and in any case no later than twenty days before the start of the package in the case of trips lasting more than six days, seven days before the start of the package in the case of trips lasting between two and six days, forty-eight hours before the start of the package in the case of trips lasting less than two days; (II) the organizer is unable to perform the contract due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances and communicates the withdrawal from the same to the traveler without unjustified delay before the start of the package. For cancellations other than those referred to in the previous paragraph, the organizer who cancels will return to the traveler a sum equal to the double the amount paid by the same and actually collected by the organizer, through the travel agent. The sum object of the refund will never be more than double the amounts of which the traveler would be owed on the same date according to the provisions as a penalty for the withdrawal from this article if he were to cancel

E. Withdrawal for contracts concluded at a distance

Pursuant to art. 41, paragraph 7, of the Tourism Code, we inform you that in contracts concluded at a distance or outside business premises (as defined by article 45 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 - Consumer Code), the traveler has right to withdraw from the tourist package contract within period of five days from the date of conclusion of the contract or from the date on which it receives the contractual conditions and preliminary information if later, without penalty and without giving any reason. In the case of reservations in the 20 days prior to departure, the right of withdrawal referred to in this paragraph will only apply if the traveler has not benefited from an offer significantly reduced compared to the current ones (as highlighted in the documentation provided in the pre- contractual). Furthermore, without prejudice to the exclusion of the application of penalties, in the case of exercising the right of withdrawal - where applicable - with respect to remote bookings in the 20 days preceding departure, the Traveler may be required to pay the Organizer any sums from this already disbursed with respect to the package being booked (e.g. flight bookings).


For each and every request to change a reservation already accepted, € 30 per person will be due to cover operating expenses. The decrease in the number of people and the request to change the departure date made within 30 days of the same are considered as withdrawal and therefore subject to the cancellation penalties indicated above. The changes requested by the traveler to an already accepted booking do not oblige the organizer in the cases where they cannot be satisfied


If, after departure, the organizer is unable to provide an essential part of the services contemplated in the contract for any reason, except for a factor specific to the traveller, he will have to prepare alternative solutions, without additional costs to be paid by the traveller. or reimburse it within the limits of the difference between the services originally envisaged and those performed.

If no alternative solution is possible, or if the solution prepared by the organizer is refused by the traveler for proven and justified reasons, the organizer will provide, without a surcharge, a means of transport equivalent to the original one foreseen for the return to the place of departure or to a different place possibly agreed, compatibly with the availability of the vehicle and seats and will reimburse it to the extent of the difference between the cost of the services envisaged and that of the services provided up to the time of the anticipated return


The renouncing traveler can be replaced by another person provided that:

a) the organizer is informed in writing at least 7 days before the date fixed for the departure, receiving at the same time communication about the personal details of the incoming person;

b) the substitute satisfies all the conditions for the use of the service (pursuant to art. 38 of the Tourism Code) and in particular the requirements relating to the passport, visas and health certificates;

c) the same services or other replacement services can be provided following the replacement;

d) all additional expenses incurred to proceed with the replacement are reimbursed to the organizer, to the extent that will be quantified to the transferor before the transfer. The transferor and the transferee are jointly responsible for the payment of the balance of the price as well as the amounts referred to in letter d) of this article.

The traveler who requests the variation of an element relating to an already confirmed practice, provided that the request does not constitute a contractual novation and provided that it is possible to implement it, will pay the organizer, in addition to the expenses resulting from the modification itself, a flat-rate fixed cost .


During the negotiations and in any case before the conclusion of the contract, Italian citizens are provided in writing with general information - updated on the date of communication of the estimate - relating to health obligations and the documentation necessary for expatriation. Foreign citizens will find the corresponding information through their diplomatic representations in Italy and/or the respective official government information channels.

In any case, before departure, travelers will check for updates with the competent Authorities (for Italian citizens, the local Police Headquarters or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the website or the Telephone Operations Center on 06.491115 ) adapting to it before the trip. In the absence of such verification, no responsibility for the non-departure of one or more travelers can be attributed to the intermediary or the organizer.

Travelers must have an individual passport or other valid document for all the countries covered by the itinerary, as well as residence and transit visas and health certificates that may be required. They will also have to comply abide by the rules of normal prudence and diligence and the specific rules in force in the travel destination countries, to all the information provided to them by the organizer, as well as to the regulations and administrative or legislative provisions relating to the tourist package.

In order to evaluate the social/political security situation, health and any other useful information relating to the countries of destination and, therefore, the objective usability of the services purchased or to be purchased, the traveler will have the burden of assuming the official information of general nature at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and disseminated through the institutional website of the Farnesina This information is not contained in the catalogs and/or documentation provided by the organizer as they contain descriptive information of a general nature as indicated in art. 34 of the Tourism Code and not temporally changing information. The same must therefore be assumed by the traveler. If, on the booking date, the chosen destination appears, from the institutional information channels, as a place not recommended for security reasons, the traveler who subsequently exercises the withdrawal will not be able to invoke, for the purposes of the exemption or reduction of the request for compensation for the withdrawal made , the loss of the contractual cause connected to the security conditions of the country. The traveler will also communicate in writing to the organizer, at the time of booking, the particular personal requests that may form the subject of specific agreements on the travel arrangements, provided that it is possible to implement them. The traveler is always required to inform the seller and the organizer of any special needs or conditions (by way of example but not limited to, pregnancy, food intolerances, disabilities) and to explicitly specify the request for related personalized services.

The traveler will be held responsible for all damages that the organizer or the seller may suffer due to the traveller's failure to fulfill the obligations set out in this contract. Pursuant to art. 51 quinques, paragraph 2, of the Tourism Code, the traveler is required to provide the organizer or the seller with all the documents, information and elements in his possession useful for exercising the latter's right of subrogation against of the third parties responsible for the event from which compensation for damages, indemnity, reduction of the price or other remedy provided by the organizer or by the seller in favor of the traveller. The traveler is liable to the organizer or the seller for any prejudice caused to the right of subrogation.


The official classification of hotel structures is provided in the catalog or in other informative material only on the basis of the express and formal indications of the competent authorities of the country in which the service is provided. In the absence of official classifications recognized by the competent Public Authorities of the countries including members of the EU to which the service refers, the organizer reserves the right to provide its own description of the accommodation facility in the catalogue, such as to allow an evaluation and consequent acceptance of the same by the traveller.


The organizer is responsible for the execution of the tourist services provided for in the tourist package contract, regardless of the fact that these tourist services must be provided by the organizer himself, by his auxiliaries or agents when they act in the exercise of their functions, by third parties of the which it operates or from other suppliers of tourist services, pursuant to art. 1228 of the civil code. The seller with whom the tourist package was booked is not liable in any case for the obligations arising from the organization of the trip, but is exclusively responsible for the obligations arising from his capacity as intermediary. If one of the tourist services is not performed as agreed in the tourist package contract, the organizer will remedy the lack of conformity, unless this is impossible or excessively burdensome, taking into account the entity of the lack of conformity and the value of the tourist services affected by the defect. If the organizer fails to remedy the defect, the traveler is entitled to a reduction in the price as well as compensation for the damage he has suffered as a result of the lack of conformity, unless the organizer demonstrates that the lack of conformity (i) is attributable to the traveler or to a third party unrelated to the provision of tourist services; or (ii) is unavoidable or unforeseeable or due to extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances. If the organiser and does not remedy the lack of conformity within a reasonable period set by the traveler in his dispute, he can personally remedy the defect and request reimbursement of the necessary, reasonable and documented expenses.

If a lack of conformity constitutes a breach of no small importance and the organizer has not remedied it with the timely complaint made by the traveler, in relation to the duration and characteristics of the package, the traveler may terminate the contract with immediate effect, or ask – if necessary – for a reduction in the price, subject to any compensation for damages.

In each case, the exemptions referred to in Article 43, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Tourism Code apply. for cases in which the failure or incorrect execution of the contract is attributable to the traveler or is due to the fact of a third party unrelated to the supply of the services of an unforeseeable or inevitable nature, or is due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.

The Traveller, in compliance with the obligations of correctness and good faith referred to in articles 1175 1375 of the civil code, promptly informs the organizer, directly or through the seller, taking into account the circumstances of the case, of any lack of conformity detected during the execution of a tourist service provided for in the tourist package sales contract


The compensation referred to in art. 43 of the Tourism Code and the related statute of limitations, are governed by the provisions therein and in any case within the established limits, by the International Conventions which govern the services which form the object of the tourist package as well as by articles 1783 and 1784 of the civil code.

The right to a reduction in the price or compensation for damages for changes to the tourist package contract or the replacement package expires in two years from the date of return of the traveler to the place of departure. The right to compensation for personal injury is prescribed in three years from the date of return of the traveler to the place of departure or in the longer period envisaged for compensation for personal injury by the provisions governing the services included in the package.

The maximum limit that may be subject to compensation is equal to 3 times the total price of the package; the latter limitation does not apply in cases of personal injury, and damage caused intentionally and/or through the fault of the organizer or the seller.


The organizer is required to provide assistance measures to the traveler as required by art. 45 of the Cod.Tur., in particular providing information about health services, local authorities and consular assistance. The organizer may demand payment of a reasonable cost for such assistance if the problem underlying the need for assistance is caused intentionally by the traveler or through his fault.


Any failure in the execution of the contract must be contested by the traveler to the organizer - directly or through the seller - promptly (taking into account the circumstances of the case) and during the trip so that the organizer, his local representative or the escort promptly remedy. Otherwise, the compensation for damages will be reduced or excluded pursuant to art. 1227

For the purposes of compliance with the terms or limitation periods, the date on which the seller receives messages, requests or complaints referred to in the previous paragraph, is considered as date


Unless expressly included in the price, it is possible, and indeed advisable, to take out special insurance policies at the time of booking at the organizer's or seller's offices against expenses deriving from the traveller's unilateral withdrawal from the contract, accidents and luggage. It will also be possible to stipulate an assistance contract that covers repatriation costs in the event of accidents and illnesses.

The traveler will exercise the rights arising from these contracts exclusively towards the stipulating insurance companies, under the conditions and in the manner provided for by these policies.


Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 67 Tourism Code the organizer will be able to propose to the traveller, in the estimate, in the documentation, on its website or in other forms, alternative ways of resolving the disputes that have arisen. In this case, the organizer will indicate the type of alternative resolution proposed and the effects that such participation entails.


Pursuant to art. 47, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Tourism Code, organized tourism contracts are assisted by suitable insurance policies or bank guarantees, which, for travel abroad and days that take place within a single country (including trips to Italy), ensure, in cases of insolvency or bankruptcy of the seller or organizer, the refund of the price paid for the purchase of the package and the immediate return of the traveler in the event that the package includes the transport of the traveler, as well as, if necessary, the payment of board and lodging before the return.

The buyer of the tourist package being sold with this contract is guaranteed the guarantees pursuant to art. 47 of the Tourism Code. through the stipulation by Cyclando srl of the Travel Cancellation Policy and return costs in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of the Travel Agency, whose contact details have been brought to the attention of the traveller.



Contracts relating to the offer of transport, accommodation or any other separate tourist service only, since they cannot be configured as a negotiating case of travel organization or tourist package, do not enjoy the protections offered by EU Directive 2015/ 2302 and of the Tourism Code. (articles from 32 to 51 nonies) and are governed by the provisions specifically referring to the sale of the single service covered by the contract. The seller who undertakes to procure a disaggregated tourist service for third parties, even electronically, is required to issue the traveler with the documents relating to this service, which show the sum paid for the service and cannot in any way be considered an organizer of travel


The following clauses of the general conditions of the contract for the sale of tourist packages listed above are also applicable to these contracts: art. 5 (reservations); art. 6 (payments), art. 7 (price); art. 12 (travellers' obligations); art. 15 (limits of compensation), art.17 (complaints and complaints). The application of these clauses in no way determines the configuration of the relative contracts as a type of tourist package. The terminology of the aforementioned clauses relating to the tourist package contract must therefore be understood with reference to the corresponding figures of the sales contract of individual tourist services.



Each participant must be in a state of psychophysical fitness that allows him to be able to carry out and complete the itinerary of the chosen holiday. Persons affected by serious pathologies, physical and mental disturbances, illnesses that require special treatments, must compulsorily communicate this to the seller or the organizer during the booking phase, who, in the event of incompatibility with the level of difficulty of the holiday, may refuse the travel registration. In group tours, non-compliance with this rule may result in exclusion during the holiday at the discretion of the guide.


The participant who books individually can choose between accommodation in a single room (with supplement, subject to availability) or in combination with another participant assigned by the organizer. The organizer does not guarantee that it will be possible to make a combination for the purpose of staying in a double room, a possibility that also depends on the number of travelers in the group and on other circumstances beyond the organizer's control.

ATTENTION: the organizer reserves the right to ask travelers who individually send a booking request for a group holiday (therefore in the absence of an already identified combination), a fee that varies from 50 to 100% of the single supplement, or a lump sum (the amount is specified in each travel card on the site).


Each participant will be given a bicycle with a lock. The traveler will have the obligation to diligently use and keep this bicycle for the entire duration of the holiday, in order to return it free of damage and in the same condition in which it was received, except for normal wear and tear. In the event of theft (regardless of whether or not the padlock is closed) or irreparable damage, the traveler will be required to pay the organizer the full cost of the bicycle; depending on the country and the model, this cost ranges from €350 to €600 for a muscle bike and from €1,000 to €3,500 for an electric/pedal assisted bike. The rental of a new bicycle for the rest of the holiday will be totally at the traveller's expense. Compensation is also required in the event of theft or damage to the accessories supplied (e.g. padlocks, child seats, appendices for children, panniers, helmets…). The amount varies according to the country and the accessory and will be quantified by the organizer or the local supplier


Cyclando srl places the highest importance on the safety of its clients during organized trips. It is important to note that helmet regulations vary from country to country and may change frequently, making it difficult to ensure that information regarding local laws is always up-to-date. However, in the interest of maximizing safety during cycling activities, Cyclando srl strongly recommends wearing a helmet at all times, regardless of whether it is legally required. Additionally, for hygienic reasons and to ensure that the helmet fits properly, clients are encouraged to bring their own helmets.


The meals included in the fee are set menus. Diets parparticulars (habits and/or severe allergies and intolerances) must be indicated in the booking form and are always subject to the availability of the caterers. There is no refund for meals not taken for various reasons (by way of example and not limited to, time changes or flight delays, optional excursions). For requests subsequent to a confirmed booking, the costs of file change will be applied; last minute requests will not be accepted.

NB: The request for special menus (see above) is intended for the entire duration of the trip, for all meals included in the fee.


For reasons beyond the organiser's control*, scheduled excursions and visits may be canceled or the order may be changed. Where possible they will be replaced with other visits. The costs of the entrances described in the individual programs are indicative and subject to variations. The visits indicated as "guided" are carried out with the support of a local guide. * For example: religious services in progress, change of visiting times/days, high tourist flow, causes of force majeure.


Pursuant to article 16 of law 269 of 10/3/98. Italian law punishes crimes relating to prostitution and child pornography with the penalty of imprisonment, even if they are committed abroad.


The personal data acquired for the purpose of booking/executing the tourist package will be processed by Cyclando S.r.l., data controller, in paper and electronic form, for the purpose of concluding and executing the contract with the customer/interested party. The provision of data is necessary for the execution of the contract. The data will be communicated only to the suppliers of the services included in the tourist package, such as, by way of example, air carriers, hotels and insurance companies, as this is necessary for the purpose of carrying out the contractual performance by Cyclando, or to support third parties organization for Cyclando (e.g. accountant). The traveler may at any time exercise the rights pursuant to articles from 15 to 21 of the GDPR – or access, updating, rectification, cancellation, blocking of data, portability by contacting Cyclando Tour Operator at the email [email protected] The full version of the Privacy Policy of Cyclando S.r.l. has been delivered to the traveler and is signed together with the booking form.


Technical organization: Cyclando srl carries out the activity of TRAVEL AGENCY & TOUR OPERATOR in Modena, Via Placido Rizzotto 90, tax code and company registration number 03880320365, REA: MO – 425332

Insurance guarantees: Travel Cancellation Policy and Return Expenses in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of the Travel Agency with IL SALVAGENTE s.c. a r.l

Professional RC policy for Travel Agencies and Tour Operators – Europe Assistnce 4249713

Insurance policies with EUROPE ASSISTANCE company.

All prices are expressed in Euros.

Cyclando srl

Tour operator with Europe Assistance RC Insurance 4249713 - Registered with the Guarantee Fund with A.I.A.V. Associazione Italiana Agenti di Viaggio trough IL SALVAGENTE s.c. a r.l.. All rights reserved.

VAT ID: 03880320365

© Cyclando 2025 - All rights reserved.


Version 1.32.2

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