Lazio on road bike


Lazio on road bike for an active holiday in central Italy

When thinking of Lazio, the thoughts inevitably fly to Rome and its unique artistic treasures in the world, but this region has a lot to offer not only at a historical and cultural level, but also landscape-wise. 

If you can't wait to get away from the traffic of the capital and the main cities, you will have the opportunity to admire extraordinary places where you can rediscover a genuine contact with nature. Visiting Lazio on road bike is an unforgettable experience because it allows you to enjoy seemingly imperceptible details for those not familiar with cycle tourism.

The most popular routes include the Via dell'Acqua, the Monte Mario cycle path and many other routes immersed in nature that make Lazio an ideal region for a trip on your bike.

Here you can discover some of the suggestions we have selected for you and get inspired for your next departure: this Italian region is a real jewel to explore!

Discover all the road bike tours in Lazio and find the right one for you

Want to discover Lazio from a new perspective? Choose from our road bike tours in Lazio proposals and find the perfect one for you:

Cyclando srl

Tour operator with Europe Assistance RC Insurance 4249713 - Registered with the Guarantee Fund with A.I.A.V. Associazione Italiana Agenti di Viaggio trough IL SALVAGENTE s.c. a r.l.. All rights reserved.

VAT ID: 03880320365

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